Friday, July 3, 2009

Shut it Sanford. Livin' La Vida Loca...

Enough is enough. For starters, I DON'T CARE about political power men having affairs. Sorry, I don't. Its none of my business and its brutal on the spouse. Call me a cynic. I don't care what a man or woman is doing in their personal life so long as they are not hurting children, me and my family or killing people. Marital infidelity is great fodder but what else is the gain for anyone?

From pro athletes to politicians. Are they doing their jobs? Are they hurting society? Its sad I know...but how can we all keep up? I feel for the wives. Surely they deal with the heartache, betrayal and humiliation in their own circles, but to put it in the spotlight? Really. For what? Does it show their judgement? Yes...on a personal level. Does it make us roll our eyes at the same old fallen man of big talk and righteousness? Affirmative. But I give it to Spitzer. At least he shut his pie hole after he apologized. I haven't heard mum since he wanted to start a hedge fund. But this guy....

Farking Governor Sanford can't cork it on his "soul mate" and other boundaries crossed, but "not the ultimate boundary". What is compelling this man to tell us about his dry-humping dances on business trips. I don't care if my husband rubs around at a bar...good on him. Seriously, get it where you can, but don't get on TV and try to evoke pity or some badge of honesty. Give me a break. Is anyone shocked that mediocre men in power enjoy female attention and make mistakes? I'm just in shock that this man can't stop playing the bleeding heart song!!!

Media is having a field day parading this man's self-destructive plummet into admission and emotional instability. I don't want to read their intimate emails! More because I don't give a shit, but also because his wife...this woman has to live with the dangling words of "my heart aches for your touch..." . Oooookay. At what point can the quiet, stoic wife just drop F-bombs and criticize his narcissism, call him a horrible lover, bad father and tell him to stuff his soul mate in the same place he was getting stuffed by the Argentinian thumb. ENOUGH.

At least I'm not alone...I laughed so hard at Jon Stewart's sixth or seventh rant on Governor Sanford. Take a look-see.

Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c

Shut Up, Mark Sanford

Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Jason Jones in Iran

Like he said...take it both ways Sanny...ZIP IT.

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