Monday, April 28, 2008

I have a crush on Phil Falcone.

Phil who? If you know anything about the stock market, or even barely lift your head to look at business news you know who he is. I didn't have a clue until he made the cover of BusinessWeek. The 44 year old, ex collegiate hockey-player-turned-hedge-fund-manager has everything I need in a crush.

He is edgy and a little mean. He takes huge risks and speaks directly ( so I read) and well, he has balls of steel. I was pondering the concept. Either it was incredible editorial writing or this guy is a money pioneer, or both. Youngest of nine, has twin daughters, worth his mid-forties = Lulu Crush.

Safe to say, I have issues. My husband pointed it out as I kept reading portions of the article out to him as if I was a 12 year old reading Tiger Beat for the first time. Its not new, man takes risk makes billions, but has an ironic back story. My dream date would be to watch Anderson Cooper and Erica Hill interview him while I ate chocolate chip drizzle cookies in my pajamas. ( okay, not my "dream" date, I have way more exciting ideas, but I'm staying clean here)

Anywho. The whole pointless point of this post was to question my obsession with young, risk-taking millionaire men, and to say that it is inspiring to see men like this. Forget the whole sexual attraction Darwin thing. ( I had a mini crush on the twisted "Daniel" from There will be blood.) I will go lay on a couch to process all this some other time. It's not really that I want him. I want to BE him. I'm not normal.

I somehow find it uber-invigorating to watch people run with ideas. I find it fascinating to see iconoclasts beat the fighting currents of mediocrity and win. I find it awe-inspiring to witness the act of going with your gut, working hard and being rewarded.

Look him up, read about it him. Maybe he is a total jerk. Maybe he is evil and drinking the blood of broken companies but he had an idea, he sticks with his guns, and wins. If absolutely nothing else, he tried something different...and it paid. Big time.

Link to the BusinessWeek article is HERE


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lulu...Lulu Lulu Lulu...

You don't have a crush on Phil Falcone. What would Bill Murray say?

I think my dad drove a '64 Phil Falcone.