Thursday, May 29, 2008

I made this.....Just saying.

There is a lot going on this week. McClellan and Bush are full trough into a pissing contest. NY is considering gay marriage as early as next month. Crude prices are falling. The market had a good run for a day(or two). United and US airways will dance a little today. The new iPHONE is coming. SATC is OUT tomorrow. Ashley Simpson is pregnant. Sydney Pollack died.

And I care, about all of it really. More than any of you actually know. I am a vat of useless news from Brazilian IPO's to who was running around Chateau Martmont without undies..its perplexing really. Yet, here in my own little world, I am amused and bewildered by "my mini." I have done many cool things in my life. None even come close in comparison. This little monster says the funniest things. This week, my favorites are:

"Musegick" instead of Music. - At any given time in my house someone will break into a reiterated version of the Rihanna song. We sing: "Please don't stop the MUSE-GICK, Please don't stop the MUSE-GICK....MUSE-GICK....MUSE-GICK"

"Bisney" instead of Disney.

"Mama? You kiss too big. Yuck."

All in the same breath (this is a great example of apple falling/tree analogy):
"I DO IT! Help me mama. Don't touch me! Plllllease? You do it k? NO. I'm a big girl! It's too hard, I can't dooooo it. Watch me. I did it! Now what?"

"Sweeeeet... that's awe-some!" I got this one from merely skipping back from the park with her on my back.

I know I'm arguably a little sideways, and maybe even over-sexed at times. One thing that is never up for question, is my love for this little person who changes the way I see our twisted, scary world. I may have made mistakes, maybe I over-analyze, over-share, over compensate, but I am overwhelmed with love and pride in her.

Say what you will, but I have one well-adjusted, funny and happy child. I don't know what that says (I really, actually, do) but it says something.

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